St. Cloud, MN-If you weren’t looking for it you may not have notice it, but just one mile south of I-94 and Highway 15 a new Athletic Training Facility is making some noise.
Trois-Rivieres Training (who’s name comes from the river in Quebec) is a new high tech athlete training center who’s goal is to help athletes enhance their skills.
“I’ve always wanted to do athlete performance” Director of Athlete Development Mike Lippert said. “And my passion comes from the Olympic level. I have some friends that are in that area, and compete in high levels. I know there is always other levels kids can get too, and when they come out of here, ready to play at another level, whether in college or the pros, they’re all going to come out of here better people.”
This facility has a full length tennis court, a hockey rink as well as an area for speed and strength training.
“The biggest pull in the community is our Athletic Mental Performance training (AMP for short) and that’s working with college athletes, high school and middle school athletes, on just pressure and performance.”
Now this facility isn’t like your average weight room. The entire place is energy efficient, where that is with their lights, the heating, and windows. And if that wasn’t enough the whole place can be ran with just the use of an IPad.
“We can run a lot of our drill from our IPad, so we can run it, the kids can go to our IPad, they know my password they think its so cool that they know my password. And they can look at their workout for the day and away they go and get started.”
“Now we can even control the music in here. If kids want to hook up their Ipods they can and we can control it from here. We can even monitor the cameras so we can watch what’s going on with the other sections of the training facility.”
Trois-Rivieres even has a lobby where the parents can sit and work on their own things.
“Kids don’t want to have their mom or dad up on the glass watching them as they train. So in our lobby we put in a television that they can control in there and watch their athlete do their workout from in the lobby instead.”
So what do the athletes hope to gain from the use of this new facility?
“Just to be able to get better and improve my skills” Sartell Hockey player Lauren Lukasavitz said of her time at Trois-Rivieres. “It’s so intense and you’re having fun while you’re working out.”
Since being open in May the Athletic Facility has already surpassed its goals and expectations and Mike hopes to continue to see the program grow and develop.
“Yeah it’s big, we’re excited about it. It’s a big goal we have all been working on for a long time so here we are. Kinda neat.”
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